What Happened to Geraldo on Fox? Why did Geraldo Leave Fox?

Posted by Zora Stowers on Sunday, May 5, 2024

Explore the circumstances surrounding the departure of esteemed American journalist Geraldo Rivera from the Fox News Channel.

Uncover the factors that led to Geraldo’s exit from the network.

What Happened To Geraldo On Fox?

To Suzanne Scott, and my other friends and former Fox colleagues, especially those who mounted my epic farewell this morning. Thank you everyone on or behind the camera. Your thoughtful, caring actions moved me deeply. Erica, our family & I will remember it always.
Love, Geraldo

— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) July 1, 2023

Geraldo Rivera, a well-known personality at Fox News, recently parted ways with the network amidst ongoing changes in staff.

Rivera made the announcement of his departure from the channel through a video shared on Twitter.

In the video, he disclosed that he had been let go from his role on the panel show, “The Five,” which airs at 5pm ET on weekdays.

Bumpy day on the North Atlantic. Anyway, I got fired from @TheFive so I quit Fox. After 23 years tomorrow Fox and Friends could be my last appearance on the network. Thanks for the memories. pic.twitter.com/74Qgalz8sF

— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) June 29, 2023

Rivera expressed, “I’ve been fired from The Five, and as a result of that, I’m resigning from Fox.”

In response to Rivera’s remarks, a spokesperson for Fox issued a statement indicating that the network and Rivera had come to a mutually agreeable decision over the past few weeks.

The statement, released on Thursday, mentioned that Rivera’s appearance on the Friday morning edition of the “Fox & Friends” show would be his final one on the channel.

It’s worth mentioning that Rivera joined “Fox & Friends” a few months after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001.

In his final appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Rivera conveyed his heartfelt gratitude and appreciation, remarking, “I am profoundly moved and honored.

My affection for Fox runs deep, as does my fondness for the incredible people who work here.”

He underscored his unwavering dedication to the network and expressed sincere appreciation for the unwavering support he had received.

He concluded with a heartfelt declaration, “I will always stand by your side, and I am immensely grateful for this overwhelming experience.

I cherish it dearly and want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart – I love you.”

Why Did Geraldo Leave Fox?

Geraldo Rivera left Fox News amidst a series of internal conflicts and events within the network.

The catalyst for his departure from “The Five” show was his temporary suspension, which came shortly after he used profanity while criticizing some of Tucker Carlson’s theories.

The details surrounding Rivera’s exit from the show and his subsequent claim of being fired were not entirely clear.

He made contradictory statements both on air and on Twitter regarding his departure.

However, Fox News released a statement acknowledging that they had reached an amicable resolution with Rivera over the past few weeks.

The network did not provide further information, and a spokesperson declined to comment further on the matter.

It is worth noting that Rivera, who was about to turn 80 on the Fourth of July, does not view his departure from Fox as retirement.

While the exact reasons for his decision to leave “The Five” remain undisclosed, it is likely that the tensions and conflicts within the network influenced his choice.

Did Geraldo Quit Fox?

In June 2023, Geraldo Rivera made the decision to part ways with Fox News.

Taking to Twitter, he publicly announced his departure, referring to himself as being “fired” from his role as a rotating co-host on The Five, a panel show he had been involved with since 2022.

Despite feeling disappointed by the circumstances, Rivera expressed his determination to move forward.

He pledged to continue his work in investigative journalism and vowed to use his platform to address issues of injustice.

While Fox News countered Rivera’s claim of being fired, stating that he had made the choice to leave, they emphasized that he would always be welcomed back to the network whenever he desired.

Rivera’s exit from Fox News followed months of speculation about his future within the organization.

His criticisms of the network’s coverage of the January 6th attack on the Capitol, along with clashes with fellow hosts on The Five, added to the mounting tension.

The departure of Geraldo Rivera represents a significant loss for Fox News.

As a widely recognized and respected journalist, his presence on The Five contributed to a more diverse range of perspectives on the show.

How Old Is Geraldo Rivera?

Geraldo Rivera, an eminent figure in American journalism, currently stands at the age of 79.

He was born on July 4, 1943, in Brooklyn, New York City.

Rivera has had a diverse career, excelling as a journalist, attorney, author, and political commentator.

Notably, he achieved widespread recognition as the host of the tabloid talk show “Geraldo,” which aired from 1987 to 1998.

His investigative reporting and captivating storytelling skills became his trademark.

One of his memorable moments on television occurred during the live 1986 TV special titled “The Mystery of Al Capone’s Vaults,” which received considerable attention from the public.

Throughout his career, Rivera has helmed various news programs, including “Geraldo at Large,” a news magazine show that delved into a broad range of topics.

He has also made occasional appearances as the host of “Geraldo Rivera Reports.”

Furthermore, from 2022 to 2023, Rivera served as a rotating co-host on the Fox News show “The Five.”

What Happened To Geraldo On Fox? – FAQs

  • Why did Geraldo leave Fox?

Geraldo Rivera’s exit from Fox News was the result of a sequence of incidents and internal tensions at the network.

He made the decision to depart from “The Five” show due to conflicts within the network, which culminated in a temporary suspension after expressing criticism towards certain theories put forth by Tucker Carlson.

  •  Did Geraldo quit Fox?

Indeed, Geraldo Rivera made the decision to leave Fox News in June 2023, as he announced through a post on Twitter.

In his tweet, he mentioned being “fired” from his role on the panel show “The Five.”

However, Fox News has refuted the claim of termination, asserting that it was Rivera’s personal choice to depart.

Furthermore, Fox News expressed openness to his potential return, extending an invitation for him to come back whenever he desires.

  • How old is Geraldo Rivera?

As of June 30, 2023, Geraldo Rivera is 79 years old.

He was born on July 4, 1943, in Brooklyn, New York City.

Rivera’s diverse career spans journalism, law, writing, and political analysis, earning him recognition and acclaim.

  • What were the tensions within Fox News that led to Geraldo’s departure?

The precise internal conflicts within Fox News that prompted Geraldo Rivera’s departure have not been officially revealed.

However, Rivera cited undisclosed internal tensions as the underlying cause for his departure from “The Five” show.

  • How long was Geraldo Rivera with Fox News?

After the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, Geraldo Rivera formed a lasting connection with Fox News, becoming a member of the network shortly thereafter.

From 2022 to 2023, he assumed the role of a rotating co-host on “The Five” before ultimately departing from the show.


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