Byron Miller Obituary, Residence Of Arab, AL, United States, Alabama Has Passed Death The wo

Posted by Florance Siggers on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Byron Miller Obituary, Death – On December 7, 2023, Jenn Tenorio-Autida, our dearly loved one, unexpectedly went away after an abrupt cardiac arrest. With the greatest of regrets, we are informing you of this tragic news. Though her sudden departure has left us in mourning, Jenn will always be a part of our hearts.

Everybody who had the pleasure of knowing Jenn will never forget the joy and laughter she filled their lives with. Her infectious humor, gentle nature, and vibrant personality left a lasting impression on everyone who had the good pleasure to know her. Our memories of her kindness and cheerful outlook will endure, even though her death has left an unfillable void in our lives.

We just ask that you keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we work to cope with this devastating loss. As we attempt to deal with the unanticipated loss of our beloved Jenn, we are immensely appreciative of your prayers and support. When the time comes, we will provide information about the schedule for Jenn Tenorio-Autida’s funeral.

Join us as we honor her legacy, celebrate her life with joy, and bid a heartfelt farewell to everyone she touched. We will always remember Jenn and carry her in our hearts, even though she is no longer with us physically. May she find peace, and know that we will always treasure her warmth and joy. We sincerely appreciate your well wishes and prayers during this trying time.
